About Us

During the British rule, the city of Rajshahi started its journey as an "Educational City" with the establishment of 'Baulia English School' in 1828. The first and greatest college of North Bengal - Rajshahi College was established in 1873 due to the need to establish a college for higher education.

Although this college is well-known at the higher secondary, undergraduate and postgraduate levels from the beginning, its recognition and importance for the higher secondary class in independent Bangladesh continues to grow. It is currently unparalleled, the greatest & largest college in the country.

Although Rajshahi College is vocal in the footsteps of innumerable meritorious students every year, HSC '91 is unique, extraordinary as an indomitable meritorious, creative, science-minded, dynamic, friendly and patriotic batch. The friends of this batch are engaged in important service and developmental activities at local, national and international level due to their qualifications and experience which is our joy and pride!

Leaving college almost thirty years ago, but at various times spontaneously organized reunions, Iftar or social events to form an "Organizational Structure" of the HSC '91 batch - became our life's demands. In this context, an attempt was made to launch an organization called RCHSC91 for the HSC '91 batch.

RCHSC91 started its journey in 2021 with the aim of creating and strengthening communication, cooperation and amicable relations among those who were admitted in Rajshahi College in 1989-90 session, studied in class XI and participated in HSC examination in 1991. It will be considered as a non-political, non-profit, social service and friendly organization. RCHSC91 seeks to play an effective role in the ongoing progress of the society and the country through the exchange of mutual knowledge and experience of friends.

1. Organizing reunions and social events at different times with the participation of members;
2. Provide spontaneous contributions and financial grants and logistical support to any of the members in case of any accident / disaster;
3. Provide assistance to people affected by natural disasters.

Creating and mobilizing mutual relations sincerity and brotherhood among the members of RCHSC91.

Core Values:
1. Ensuring equal rights and participation of all members irrespective of religion, caste, gender, creed and values.
2. To hold the liberation war and national consciousness in all spheres of life.
3. Inspire dynamic leadership and creativity.